Chat(GPT) got your tongue? Live AMA With HackerRank’s ML team

Across sectors, there are growing questions about the applications of ChatGPT and other natural language generation tools. Chief among them: writing code.

While we aren't convinced by the idea that ChatGPT will replace developers any time soon, we do think that conversational AI is poised to change the relationship between coders and coding. That includes how we test skills and hire developers in an AI-empowered world. Understandably, many hiring teams have questions about how ChatGPT will impact their current hiring strategies—and what they can do in response.

We invited our machine learning experts Ankit Arya and Mohamed Eldawy to answer all your questions in this AMA. During the discussion, we’ll help demystify what ChatGPT is and isn’t, explore its strengths and weaknesses, and talk through what you can do today to update your hiring strategy in response.

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